
Kenya holds a special place in our hearts.  We have enjoyed a partnership with the Kenya Baptist Convention since 2008.  We have taken four groups to Kenya during this time.  We have been able to adopt a local community known as Kambirwa.  We began by building a church building to provide this community with a house of worship.  Several things we have established are scholarships for ministerial students, feeding ministries and a Pastor Training Schools for the Pastors.  We are currently preparing for a trip in June 2013 where we will conduct the Pastor’s Training School,   Marriage Conference and Medical Clinics and Eye Exams.  We have grown to love and appreciate our partners in Kenya who seek to carry out the ministry each day in the midst of some very real challenges that we are not faced with here in the USA.


In 2009, a special young man named Dylan Jones traveled to Kambirwa, with a medical team from Statesville, to help the African citizens.

Several Medical and Eye clinics have been conducted in this community to help these individuals.

Dylan was tragically killed in an automobile accident early 2016.

In his memory, his friends, students of The American Renaissance School, want to remember his efforts and heart for the Kenyan people. They want to create a memorial that will offer assistance to the Kenyan people.

They plan to raise money to construct the Dylan Jones Academy, and are asking for your help and support!

Dylon Jones

Kenya Mission Trip 2023

Kenya Trip 2018

Haiti Missions

July 20017 we sent 17 youth and adults to Haiti as a part of Samaritans Feet to wash the feet of many children and provide them with new shoes.

Why Shoes?

Over 30 years ago, a young Nigerian boy, Manny Ohonme, received his first pair of shoes at the age of nine. It changed his life and now he wants give others that same opportunity for change and impact. Samaritan’s Feet wants to inspire hope through the gift of shoes, the act of washing feet, and encouragement to those who need it most. People without shoes face dangers like laceration, fungus, and insect bites that can lead to infection, disease, and even death. Children with no shoes are often not allowed entrance to education in many countries and can find their way into slavery, or unsafe and inexcusable child labor environments. Since our founding in 2003, Samaritan’s Feet and its partners have distributed over 6.5 million pairs of shoes in 88 countries and 325 U.S. cities.

There are 2.2 billion people living in poverty who can’t afford education and basic articles of clothing like shoes (World Bank, 2011).

Over 1.5 billion people are infected with diseases that are transmitted through contaminated soil (World Health Organization, 2013).

Shoes and socks are reported to be in the “Top 5 Items Needed” by students in school (Champions for Kids, 2015).

Haiti Mission Trip

July 1-7, 2017

Armenia Missions